Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is my beautiful Mother, with two of our children! She didn't try to make herself the ceter of our universe she pointed us towards Jesus. When it came time to give us wings and let us go she did. She watched us leave the nest and bravely held back tears. She didn't beg us to stay close when she knew God had called us far. She was a single Mother and she gave up ALL of her dreams for ours to come true! She is a true Christian. Happy Mothers Day Mother, I love you!
We live so far apart however: It is better to have a mother far in distance but close in heart then a mother close in distance but far in heart.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Starting the day with prayer makes all the difference in the world!

Today was a good day not nessasarily because something huge happened, but because there was just a good solid rythm to it. God given of course! Starting the day with prayer always helps, it doesn't matter that it may be really short like 7 min. it's something and it's what I can give right now. My Mother taught me the importance of prayer as a little girl. She was a single Mother and would drag my brother and I to prayer every morning for an hour before school and sometimes after school for another hour. She taught us how deserately we needed God. She taught us who God was and to have a real relationship with him. I told my Mom how frustrated I was about the lack of prayer time in my life now. She told me to do what I could and don't be so hard on myself. So for now with 4 under the age of 6 we pray for 7 min. we pray at bedtime and sometimes I pray in the shower. God is good and perhapse I can pray more, but for now I will pray at least for these times and stop looking for long uninterupted time so I can start!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Apple cider vinegar gets rid of headlice!!

I couldn't really think of anything worth blogging on that is simple enough to post in the small time I have to do so. I guess my purpose of this blog is multiple and it seems to change in my mind. I do know I want it to be a place where I can share the little that I have learned and do learn with anyone who would like to know. So I thought most people do not know how well apple cider vinegar works for head lice. Thankfully we have not yet had to deal with this with our 4 young children but growing up in a lower income community and doing bus ministry in an inner city I had to deal with it a lot. I was able to share what my Mother had learned. The medicine doesn't always work even after washing and spraying everything and bagging the rest. Kerosene doesn't work, oil doesn't work, and many other natural things did not work for us or our neighbors. But my lovely Mother is a student of anything from the prairie days or old times. In any culture she devours old autobiographies and when they are good she tries it and shares the results and the knowledge with me. While reading one of these books she came across using apple cider vinegar for head lice. I can't believe it is so unheard of. It works so well!!! Perhaps it is too simple and people just can't believe after everything they've gone through all they really needed was the jar of apple cider vinegar.
What you need to do:First if you have long hair you should pull it into a ponytail and braid that.Then you wet your hair very slightly (It shouldn't be dripping) After that, pour in enough of the vinegar to saturate it. (Try not to get excess on your skin it will itch)Leave it on for about an hour or more if it seems to be stubborn lice.Last, wash it out. You don't need to treat anything else in your house.You don't need the nit comb....Repeat the whole process 2 weeks later to be sure if you want, I never did.Apple cider vinegar is good for you and your hair.
The way it works: It makes the eggs fall off of the hair it strips there sticky stuff (-=It suffocates the adults.
I hope that someone has found this helpful it really works!!!!